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Hey AP How About Running A Real News Web Site? (daggle.com)
1 point by transburgh on April 7, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

"That's the home page of your web site. Where's the news? Where are the articles? Where's the FRONT PAGE!!! You know, like a newspaper front page that shows me the top articles of the day. Surely you've heard of front pages of this style."

Uh... that's not their business model and doing what the author suggests would certainly upset their content distribution partners. That would put them in competition with the companies that pay them very well for their stories and as such would be a short-sighted approach. And, despite not showing news on their home page, I'm guessing AP is doing a whole lot better financially than the newspapers that do what you're suggesting.

More upsetting is their attempt (successful I think?) to own the news that they break for a certain period of time.

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