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As both a happy Crashplan user and a happy Everpix user, I don't think it's fair to compare the two directly. For me, Everpix is not primarily a backup service -- I shoot in RAW too, I also shoot movies, and for now Everpix doesn't help me with that. I use Everpix because I want to take my photo library on the go, so I can share photos with people or look at them myself, but my library is far too big (100 GB) to keep on my phone or my laptop, so Everpix allows me to take that library with me, and also allows me to easily process my photos too. The fact that it gives me a secondary backup (albeit only of my processed jpgs) is just a bonus.

Since I've been using Everpix, I've looked at, re-discovered and shared more photos in the last two months than I have in the last year or more before that. It's really been a joy to use. It's been like rediscovering my photo library all over again.

As for finding pictures in non-default locations, all I can say is that I've never had an issue with that and Everpix has worked seamlessly for me. I'm a very happy customer.

Sadly, I can't say the same for Crashplan. I like their service and their price point and am more than happy to keep using them, but their software hasn't been updated in a year (non-Retina, and not very mac-like) but far more importantly their de-duplication doesn't seem to work for me. When I wanted to move my photos folder to an external drive, it re-uploaded the whole 100 GB. I don't know if that's because of the security options I use or not, but I definitely have dedup enabled. If there was a solution, I couldn't find it. Clunky to say the least.

I think Everpix should be both a backup and sharing system, but I don't find it useful for either (since it won't find my actual main photo library but does cheerfully upload random stuff it finds elsewhere (um, sorry Everpix, but not everything in "Pictures" is a photo).

Crashplan ain't pretty, but that's not my top priority in a backup system.

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