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[dupe] Geocities Bootstrap Theme (divshot.github.io)
225 points by itamarb on April 7, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 60 comments

So we can expect more duplicates since GitHub has switched their Pages TLD from .com to .io?


I'm 17; was the internet ever actually this bad? That spinning "HOT" gif next to "Buttons" is giving me cancer.

The original website for Space Jam (the movie with Michael Jordan) is still up:


Not quite as bad as the OP's link, but still--that was a high-profile professionally designed site in 1996.

This is a real gem! It can't be that much pages left from the ugly-age.

I started out making web sites a bit like this myself i 1995, and it makes me sad all pages are gone except a few pages left in the internet archive.

On the plus side, it now loads much faster than the rest of the web.

This was once the Microsoft home page: http://www.microsoft.com/misc/features/features_flshbk_hp1.h...

Then there's the official Space Jam site (the movie with Michael Jordan, you might want to ask IMDB) which is still up (Kudos to WB:) http://www2.warnerbros.com/spacejam/movie/jam.htm Click around there to see some spinning buttons and other "nice" stuff.

>was the internet ever actually this bad?


The 90s were truly the golden age of the internet.

There was nothing like the anticipation of the modem dialing, wondering what speed you'd get based on the handshake, or my personal favorite, picking up the phone and getting your younger brother kicked off, just because.

Prodigy user TMDW48C checking in.


There was so much more excitement all around. The technology was arcane compared to what's possible today, but most of the bad stuff was missing. People were looking for ways to use, not abuse the internet.

There were barely any lawyers, marketers or managers who felt the need to interfere. Things were driven by sysadmins and their curiosity, just governed by gentlemen's agreements and common sense.

You could go on irc (with mIRC) and talk to strangers who where thrilled about talking to people around the globe. Like chatroulette or whatever but without the dicks and trolling.

Absolutely. It was so....innocent.

I remember discussing scientific stuff, Harry Potter, and the new online games with people on Yahoo chatrooms and IRC.

I took a look at Yahoo chatrooms some time recently (well, in the last five years anyway.) It was horrible; spambots all over the place trying to get you to click on links. I suppose all the real people moved to Facething.

Oh, yes. Oh, yes, yes.

However, it was only (mostly?) like that for personal/very-low-budget pages. It's not like all designers back then had suddenly lost their sense of aesthetic.

It's not very different from the MySpace profiles of a few years ago.

How is this bad?!

On a side note: I really miss styling scrollbars and running marquee text through the website title and status bars

Oh yeah. Low points (for me) were when it seemed like every site had <bgsound>.

When I was 15 or so I made this mess:


It's a shame that half the ugliness goes away since images aren't all cached. You also have to view it on a 800x600 display for the real experience.

Yes. This is incredibly accurate. The spinning "HOT" gif might actually be executed a little too well for the 90s.

The professional web was bad back then, but usually in slightly different ways. For instance, there were a few years where it was incredibly common to have a splash page that did nothing but show a logo (and take 45 seconds to load). Splash pages became a bit of a trend in part because there was an influential (but terrible) web design book that recommended making your user see a completely useless page before letting them get to actual content.

It was like any new technology. People played with it and used it in stupid ways while they figured out how to use it. Some people learned faster than others.

Do you remember which book this was in?

Sadly, no. I got rid of my copy long ago, and I didn't buy it on Amazon. I want to say the title used the word 'Awesome', but I'm not even sure about that.

"The Right Way". This part made me especially LOL.

God this is priceless. I appreciate that it wasn't playing a snippet of 8 bit MIDI music in a short loop which is looped mid-phrase during a key signature change.

The missing images icon is a fantastic touch, it's only missing an annoying mouse cursor effect (I'm guilty of using them).

This bought a tear to my eyes, right before the burning, but it's very nice.

Also, did I see rounded corners and the lack of nested tables?

No, but the first thing I did was check to see if every button was a table. Was not disappointed.

Wow, I have forgotten just how ugly parts of the early web were. This theme is pure genius, it reminds me of the olden times :)

That it still is reactive makes it even more surreal.

Many people I know have never experienced the beauty and plethora of colors the web once was crafted from, finally I can share! Thanks for bringing back varied palettes and animations!

Can you make the dropdown menu crash my netscape as it tries to load an applet?

Oh man. I nearly just spit water on my computer.

Oh, and add a webring link too!

The "Guestbook" got a chuckle out of me. Haven't seen one of those in years.

Then I realized that we just call them "the comments section" now and put them on every article.

Missing a RESET button on every form

Not ugly enough. You need to make the white space less uniform, and the line-heights less generous.

Just kidding, this is terrible. Great work!

I especially liked what you have done to the form elements. Even more so as that was completely impossible back then. There was no CSS and form elements didn't allow much styling via attributes either. Probably because they were mostly implemented as native controls which in turn don't offer that many styling options.

Reminds me of the good ol' days when JavaScript was just used for annoying cursor effects and the like.

Don't forget it was also used to prevent right clicks.

Wow - this is spot-on! I most definitely built a few of these in my day and even used the same "user construction" .gif. Great trip down memory lane. Thanks for reminding us what not to do. ;)

It's using the right way to make webpages... but it feels so wrong.

This is what internet should look like again!

Oh God, my eyes...my precious eyes!

Lots of people say they love this.

Has anyone done the HN redesign yet? There seem to be plenty of choices for voting arrows. (http://netanimations.net/arrows.htm#.UWHUTKLrwcA)

This is why I got into programming. The web was just too cool back in the day.

Is it just me or does the background lead to a 3D effect? Most visible effect here - http://divshot.github.io/geo-bootstrap/#buttons

It sure does. And, dare I say it, I would like to see someone experiment with it on a modern design. Or maybe I played to much with my 3DS today and should go lie down.

Seems like we already have a implementation http://canhasbitcoin.tk/index.php

Thanks for reminding me how cool my geocities pages were. Flat UI meh. I got the hammer with baloon pants bringing life to my page!

This is awesome. Nothing can go wrong!

If you showed a teenager this theme, I don't think they'd believe the web was ever that ugly.

I love this so much. Really brings me back to a simpler more colorgasmic/motiontastic time.

This put a smile on my face. Thank you Geocities for first sparking my interest in coding.

I had a visceral reaction after this page loaded. Well-done on the theme.

You're 6 days too late :)

This brings back so many memories

The internet's darkest hour.

At least it's responsive.

Good catch! Now people can experience this horridness on more devices :)


border-radius? Sacrilege!

is it responsive

such a troll!

On behalf of everyone who is old enough to have lived through this hell, congratulations on the accuracy of depiction.

hahahahah OMG

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