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Top Tech Certifications That Can Net You A $100,000+ Salary (businessinsider.com)
4 points by jackwe on April 3, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

My God. I hope people aren't actually thinking this article is anything other than complete horse dung.

I was in charge of a guy who was a CBAP (Cert Business Analysis Professional) at my last job. Incompetent, and paid well under what the article claims you can make. (still more than he deserved)

I love how the SBIP is referred to as "big data" cert....That is so wrong on so many levels.

> Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)

I've worked with many people who had this. Some of them were decent. Many were terrible. Companies who employ software "engineers" based on this little gem of a certificate alone... beware!

Also it should be Oracle (not Sun) - which probably gives some understanding into the technical insight behind this article. If the Survey was conducted in late 2012 and people were still saying Sun... then I'm a little bit worried about the respondents too!

People regularly talk about education alone not being a good gauge of a candidate's actual skill and viability. If we accept that degrees aren't everything, then certifications are all but meaningless--the primary thing they reflect is that, most likely, a previous employer paid for it, and thus thought you were worth investing in.

I find that certifications are often contra-indicative. I am afraid when people do not ashamedly mention them.


My company wants all devs to get that certification. It's worthless. Most of it is just memorizing some java quarks

Is this an ad for certifications? Because they totally don't list what I thought they were going to list: actually being competent at creating something.

It is quite rare for me to wish that I had a downvote button for stories... but this is that unusual exception. It is not technically "spam", so not appropriate for flagging, but this is an AWFUL excuse for a story which somehow manages to be FAR less useful than saying nothing at all.

Flag isn't just for spam, It's for articles inappropriate to HN

Source: http://ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html

> Please don't submit comments complaining that a submission is inappropriate for the site. If you think something is spam or offtopic, flag it by going to its page and clicking on the "flag" link. (Not all users will see this; there is a karma threshold.) If you flag something, please don't also comment that you did.

I.e., it's ok to flag bad articles.

The "Fight Club Rule #1 & #2" nature of this guideline always struck me as odd. I hate meta comment threads as much as the next guy, but I'm not sure how else to spread awareness about the guidelines.

Thank you, I tried to find the flag definition, I think newsguidelines.html is the wrong page, or it should ALSO be on the FAQ.

How much can "Certified Hacker News Professional" get me?

Seriously. I think reading HN or at least some quality development blogs is probably a better indicator of competency than any of these certs. Just don't tell the incompetent people.

This should be titled "Top Tech Certifications" which is totally different than "Top Tech Skills" which is a list I was hoping to see.

CMMI: I will never list this on my resume, period. Not that I don't think CMMI can be valuable, but management never implements it properly and I don't want to waste 2 years of my life doing that ever again.

Or should you always list it, so you have the conversation if they try to follow that before you get an offer :D

>1. Six Sigma, $116,987

Sorry, I'll be in the bathroom, taking a barfing break.

But then again I don't care.

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