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Sunnyvale, CA - or Anywhere in the World Full Time DevOps Engineer

Aruba Networks is hiring a full time DevOps engineer for making awesome scalable online services.


* Startup Group within a mid-size company

* Stable, low stress company with a lot of growth potential

* Leading (but not too much bleeding) edge technologies

We are looking for:

Expertise in infrastructure and application development

* Passion for working with and improving technologies like AWS, Rackspace, Softlayer, Openstack, Chef, Postgres, Redis, Logstash, Graphite, others

* Our stack includes above plus Python, Celery, Flask, 0mq

* Mentat like focus on metrics, monitoring, logging and performance

* Enthusiasm for elegant simplicity and stability and resiliency (anti-fragility)

* Motivation, talent, and a desire to be rewarded for performance (with commensurate rewards)

* Integrate into a team of diverse, distributed team

If this sounds like a fun place to spend a few years, send us an email about yourself to hn-jobs@arubanetworks.com. Please add a resume so we can see your background. Bonus points for links to blog/twitter/github!

Formal job posting here: http://www.linkedin.com/jobs?viewJob=&jobId=5193638&...


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