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Accidentally found myself in a Tesla showroom in Tokyo (Didn't even know they had one here) and the sales person was talking about how they had "sold out" in Japan which is promising.

Also seeing the model S in person was rather cool.

Here in the Bay Area, I see no less than 2 Model Ss every single day on the road.

Same experience, only I randomly bumped into their showroom in my backyard when I went to the mall (Garden State Mall in NJ). They mentioned a 6 month wait. Sitting in a Model S was very cool!

You know what else "sold out". Palm Pre. Microsoft Surface. Nexus Q. Blackberry Playbook.

How are those doing ?

Tesla is publically traded, nothing is stopping you from shorting them. This is currently their only product. You won't be able to bet against a single product easier than this, ever.

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