Google Nose is AWESOME! Think of the possibilities. This technology has the chance to improve the lifes of thousands stressed with long-distance relationsships.
Man... this will revolutionize cyber-sex as we know it!
Even though I know its a joke, a part of me still raged inside.
And can we put an & and a $ somewhere in Python? I think these feel very cool to use, and are easily one of >the best things I miss from more advanced languages like C and PHP.
Let's be honest, doesn't this:
Look a lot more professional than:
If you can get access to someone's iPhone for 30 seconds you can install a web app that looks just like the iPhone interface but with various surprises when anything is pressed.
On second thought it could be real, but the notion of a startup needing a VP of engineering with 5 years of rails 3 experience seems absurd given how long rails 3 has been in existence.
edit: there are several articles about this company since 2011, so I guess it is real...
edit2: it's hard to take seriously with this line from the ad:
"Yes, we realize that the best technology leaders are highly sought after. So why should you join us over that sexy social - local - mobile - sharing start-up?"
We specifically ask for, "5+ years of experience building and managing strong engineering organizations," not "5+ years of rails 3..." lol
re: "edit2" - we're basically trying to convey that we're solving a real and serious problem (helping retailers compete with amazon). it's actually resonated with potential candidates since smart and motivated engineering leaders don't want to just be part of "the next groupon..."
I've been keeping a list of every website that puts up an april fools' day joke since 2004. Here's the 2013 list (submit to here if you like too)
Last year I uploaded an empty package to Ubuntu titled "Free Launchpad Karma" -- the idea was that whenever an Ubuntu developer wanted more Launchpad karma points, they could easily file a bug against it, close a bug against it, upload a new version, provide a translation, and so on.
<meta>Next year, I'm going to cite your comment in the 2014 version of this thread and say "And someone will comment ahead of time, explaining what will inevitably happen throughout the day"</meta>
Heck if I know, I submit April Fool's articles like Linus joins Microsoft to develop Windows 9. The submission gets flagged and my account temporarily not allowed to submit any more.
I was submitting blog posts on technologies and startups and used a bit of a sense of humor as well, but the whole blog is blocked now and appears the entries are in "the phantom zone" or whatever.
I don't really think that Hacker News has a sense of humor, and if it does, a majority of the people hate me for some odd reason to flag my submissions, while upvoting on other submissions that repost what I submitted but made the front page?