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Exceptional to join the Rackspace Family (exceptional.io)
54 points by bretpiatt on March 28, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments

Congrats! Minor nitpick (to all copywriters out there), when writing acquisition blog posts that will likely make their way on to HN, put a little snippet of who/what you are at the top of your post.

I'm assuming Redis to Go is currently hosted on EC2; will that be relocated to the Rackspace Cloud? If so will that affect latency for users on Heroku, for example?

Racker here from the team that worked on this. We are going to continue running Redis To Go for AWS customers and we understand how important low latency is to Redis users. The same goes for ObjectRocket (the MongoDB service we acquired last month) on availability to US-East and US-West on AWS.

Hey, one of the RedisToGo guys here. Before any production hosting we will do plenty of benchmarking between redis servers on Rackspace and Heroku applications.

If you have specific questions, email ben@redistogo.com. Thanks for being a customer!

This blog post [1] says:

"... We’ll continue to support our customers in AWS until we’ve solutions that offer faster reliable Redis without the zone latency."

[1] http://blog.togo.io/

It was only a matter of time before you guys were acquired. Truly love Redis to Go.

A bit off-topic, but I'm curious as to why you chose to use Redis to Go over firing up a VM yourself and hosting Redis?

Thanks, we love it too and we will be growing the team to make it even more amazing in the future.

Congrats to the team at Exceptional!

If any Airbrake/Exceptional users are looking for an alternative, check out Rollbar (https://rollbar.com). Here's a write-up we did on how we're different from Airbrake: https://rollbar.com/vs/airbrake/

We've been using Rollbar for a number of apps over the past few months and have really been liking how it fit into our infrastructure. Brian has been great about responding to bugs and suggestions. Keep up the great work!

Don't forget about about Sentry (https://getsentry.com/welcome/) which is also open source (https://github.com/getsentry/sentry) and can be self hosted. I've only used it with Python, but it has so far been infinitely better than the alternatives I've tried (probably because it's written in python). Integration with Flask is a 3-minute affair.

Congrats! Happy to see this happening.

Congrats to the Exceptional team!

For anyone looking to switch from Airbrake/Exceptional to a more modern/reliable error tracking product, check out our product Bugsnag (https://bugsnag.com).


A nitpick: "Exceptional could not be more excited to announce that we are joining Rackspace!" seem weird to me. Maybe add "We, at" in front of the sentence? Exceptional is a legal entity, and can hardly be excited, I guess.

Nitpick++: Exceptional Cloud Services, Inc. is the legal entity. I’d say that "Exceptional" is a reasonable way to refer to the team.

Congrats to the whole team! Great guys.

This is great news! Congrats!

Congrats, very exciting!

Welcome to the family!

Congrats guys!

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