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Yahoo just paid $30mm for an unknown technology and a fresh face to parade around, they would appreciate it if you didn't start poking holes in the narrative.

Thank you

Actually it now looks more and more like some sort of elaborate kick-back scheme for the investors. "Your YHOO stock has sunk below the waterline, so here's something to sweeten the pot."

I actually think this kinda makes sense. That or relationship building with the investors. Plus, Yahoo! hasn't been making any new waves for quite a while. They needed to make something happen somehow to get people excited.

The founder might be brilliant and I could be wrong about this whole relationship building with investors to try and get attraction nonsense.

Plus, Yahoo! hasn't been making any new waves for quite a while.

They've been making tonnes of Marissa Mayer waves. They're the New York Jets of technology.

Highly likely. The crowd sees only the tip of the iceberg and knows only what it allowed to know when it allowed to know.

So you're assuming they didn't do their due diligence? That they threw $30MM at a company they knew nothing about? Has anyone in this thread gone so far as to even try the product?

I think the idea is that they threw $30MM at a company they knew a lot about, due to the investors behind it.

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