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I'm 21, probably out of the definition of 'younger person' by a while, but even I don't get it.

$30m is a lot for what I assume is an application of SRI's technology. Still seems to me like Yahoo! is a place where engineers are handed the purse strings, a la 2005 era.

I'd say so, Marissa Mayer was an engineer before becoming an executive.

Marissa Mayer was an engineer before becoming an executive.

Was she? Her career essentially started at Google, her rise arguably being one of right place/right time.

For all of the talk about Mayer, I have literally never heard about anything actually interesting that she has done. Instead it's her 90 hour work weeks, n-shades of blue, and abrasive attitudes with others. She sounds like management through and through.

> Still seems to me like Yahoo! is a place where engineers are handed the purse strings

Exactly! :) Assuming the above is meant in a positive way, you might not have said/thought that if it wasn't for this, and other, stories recently involving Yahoo and their acquisitions.

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