This is awesome! You should also add the ability to post comments about visas and the visa process, since in my experience, some border crossing agents try to overcharge you and you can get them to lower their price simply by stating that you "know" they should be charging x not y. An on the ground report of the visa process can be invaluable next to the usually inaccurate/out-of-date info available through the official channels.
I'm thinking about this, but one of my motivations for doing it was to have only primary-sourced, up-to-date information - there's so much rumour and third-hand information on forums when you search for visa requirements, and I wanted to do something more authoritative and trustworthy.
But it could work as long as the comments are clearly separated from the "official" information.
Or maybe just add a "report an error" option. I've tested the countries I've visited recently and others have probably done the same, so if you see that your official information is contradicted by all (or many) of your users, you can raise a flag and manually check if your official information is still up to date.