Also, anecdotally, it seem that people are being trained-up for jobs that don't exist. . .at least not in their own geographic area. A lot of people who require training up don't want and/or don't think they are able to uproot themselves and move to where the jobs are (supposedly). I read a welfare-to-work success story where the person had gone to school, church, clinic and shopping all within a 1-mile radius of her home. She had literaly never been outside that radius. Her first job was at McDonald's. She required a lot of coaxing and coaching for that job because she had to ride a bus and go outside her comfort zone. Her family was quite impressed that she was able to do so. I was stunned. And she was able to return to her comfort zone each day. Imagine if she had to actually move her family to a new location. And she lived just a few miles outside of Washington, DC, in northern Virginia.
There is definitely an issue of matching skills to jobs and geography. That said, many companies that used to consider training and employee development no longer do so. So, even in locations where there is a workforce that might be trained for a job situation, companies aren't training...