Please explain how this situation would have worked if, instead of Adria, the original tweeter/picture-poster had been a white, heterosexual, Protestant man.
I'm a very generic white male with absolutely no real notability and because I have some degree of worth in a very small part of the internet I've had people threaten to drive to my apartment and beat me up because I did something they don't agree with -- they never do, but the threats happen. Entirely possible that Adria's gender or race contributed to this, but it definitely happens to white straight males too. You're looking at the wrong end, don't look at the victim, look at the aggressors: anonymity and distance is the cause. There will never be any recourse for those that threaten, so they'll do it until they're blue in the face.
You've never seen Anonymous go nuclear on white supremacists? Or back when they were trolling Tom Green's live web show? etc.
The fact that this is a "Women in Tech" issue is what generated so much publicity, and the publicity is what draws the trolls. If two posters on 4chan's /b/ board had some exchange where one named-and-shamed the other over a penis joke, and he ended up losing his job? I don't think it's hard to imagine Anonymous coming down hard in the perpetrator, whether male or female.
| I bet if you compared their campaign of
| "going nuclear" on white supremacists it
| would register but a blip compared to what's
| going on here.
What is it that makes what's going on here worse than anything else? The DDoS attacks? The threats? The volume of threats? Has she been SWAT'd[1]? (I'm not heavily invested in this mess, so maybe I'm missing something)
Protestant like baptist or something? I guess maybe they could have stirred up some outrage from the religious crowd, over some sort of perceived religious slight? But most issues these days likely to offend fundamentalist protestants are likely to offend fundamentalist catholics too... I don't really know; what are you trying to get at?
What white men never get, and this is just an observation, I have no sides or deep interest in this mess, is a comment like: "this makes me re-think hiring white men, they're not worth the drama". I've seen a few of those around the place regarding Ms Richards.
Also if a man did this, it wouldn't even register on the internet's "burn-the-hypocrite" scale and I would actually be able to read something else on HN.