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I found out recently that this doesn't apply only to business ventures, but also personal projects. Free and open-source yet no one will find them unless I do the extra legwork.

I built a visual remote designer for the mobile app Unified Remote because I felt remotes should be designed visually rather than with XML (I also wanted to play with using KnockoutJS to generate XML.) No one seemed to care until I posted to the company's Facebook wall. I also emailed the company to let them know and they've since recommended it to people having trouble understanding the XML. I'm also telling you guys :) http://remote-creator.appspot.com

You have to put it out everywhere you can if you want it to succeed. I tried posting my Chrome extension for injecting reviews for doctors into insurance company pages on here and it immediately dropped out of site. It's more universally useful than my other projects: http://github.com/csmatt/doctorratings .

Don't give up!

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