Excellent article. This is relevant advice not just to startups, but to every company - you need to decide what kind of customers you're going after.
I see it a lot in our Software Consultancy. We're constantly focusing on what our goal is: small startups, medium sized companies, or large businesses. And whether the're technical companies, or non-technical. Those are the two biggest issues we have, and they affect everything we do - from marketing (market technical skills? Market "solving problems without bothering you about it"?) to pricing (value-based? time based? Fixed-price Project based?) to how to grow technically (should we learn more languages and platforms to sell our skills to technical customers? Or should we lean towards learning a more specific niche if we're targeting a specific type of company).
I see it a lot in our Software Consultancy. We're constantly focusing on what our goal is: small startups, medium sized companies, or large businesses. And whether the're technical companies, or non-technical. Those are the two biggest issues we have, and they affect everything we do - from marketing (market technical skills? Market "solving problems without bothering you about it"?) to pricing (value-based? time based? Fixed-price Project based?) to how to grow technically (should we learn more languages and platforms to sell our skills to technical customers? Or should we lean towards learning a more specific niche if we're targeting a specific type of company).