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Going Beyond Django ORM with Postgres (speakerdeck.com)
104 points by superchink on March 21, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Original author here, this was a talk given at PyCon. Videos not live yet, but when it is it should be living here - http://pyvideo.org/video/1734/going-beyond-the-django-orm-li...

Like others, I was at the talk and really enjoyed it. Thanks!

We've been storing json as a text blob, and now we realize we should do a lot more. Postgres continues to impress, and also Heroku's postgres service is awesome. https://postgres.heroku.com/

Great job. The slides are clear enough but I'll check out the video for the rest. I've come across some of those orm extensions before but not all of those.

Btw. Do you think those pooling managers are much better than pgbouncer ?

I haven't tried the other pooling managers, but I'm not sure they're going to be able to go toe to toe with pgbouncer alone. Though, I wonder if a combination of the pooling manager and pgbouncer would be worth a shot.

Thanks for the talk! I was there; it was pretty awesome.

One question regarding djorm-ext-pgarray: is there a cleaner way to search inside of the array? The where(SqlExpression) works, but it really feels like a chore.

I was at the talk, it was great. We use a lot of that at work.

I did find a bug with serialization with the djorm-ext-pgarray extension that niwibe made and submitted a pull request with a quick fix

Any ETA on the video?

Would south migrations work with these field types?

In some cases yes, in other cases not as well.

I usually won't flip all the way through a deck, just because it's often a waste of time without the talk that goes with it... but man, this looks like great information!

Craig, this is a great deck full of excellent information. I had no idea several of these packages existed, and am thrilled to find out about them. I'll be keeping an eye open for the video to hear what you had to say through the talk on each of them.

I had at least 3 'postgres can do that?!' quickly followed by 'and I can do it with Django!?' when reading that. Brilliantly informative. Worth it just for the filtering on hstores - thank you!

This was one of my favorite Pycon talks this year! Great job, Craig ^^

everytime I see postgres I wish more and more Amazon RDS supported it.

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