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Using Gambit-C Scheme to Create Small, Efficient Native Applications (devx.com)
27 points by ColinWright on March 19, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Results 1-10 of 19 for gambit native:

Using Gambit-C Scheme to Create Small, Efficient Native Applications (devx.com)

2 points by b-man 2 years ago | 12 comments | cached

Using Gambit-C Scheme to Create Small, Efficient Native Applications (devx.com)

2 points by ColinWright 1 year ago | 0 comments | cached

Using Gambit-C Scheme to Create Small, Efficient Native Applications (2009) (devx.com)

5 points by ColinWright 2 months ago | 1 comments | cached

Hah - auto-hoist, petard-wise. I hadn't realised I'd submitted this - I would've deleted it had I noticed sooner.

Never mind - if people like it it will float, if not it will sink. Thanks for the heads-up - I'll remember not to post from my mobile - HNSearch doesn't work on that, so I couldn't check.

I had missed it and I think it's a nice piece.

I wrote that article four years ago. I hope it is still accurate re: the current Gambit Scheme. And, yeah, Gambit is pretty much awesome if your application does not need a lot of third part libraries.

Do you want to know about typos? More than once you type "I" when you mean "i", for example. There may be more, but I just noticed those.

  Here, I and j are local variables that are
  defined only inside of the let statement.

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