I haven't seen any good API's for printing - on paper, that is.
With the Front-Page launch of Pantastic (http://www.pantastic.co), I wonder: what would other developers would do with access to a professional printer (via an API)?
- Personal Cards (hallmark just isn't doing it for me these days)
- B2C - Appointment Cards, Thank you cards (clients) - with link to review product or some unique code
- Party/Event invitations -> Mail is so retro - imagine getting invited to a party with a qr code or short URL to "confirm" - built a tool to send personalized invitations and/or thank you notes
- Networkers - I would LOVE to be able to snap a pic, have the person in my CRM and/or their business card and send a great meeting you letter with the pic of us on the front. Fastest way to make an impression - Worst case have a tool/api that emails the customer saying - John wants to send you something - please fill out a mailable address, etc. - A bit sketchy but kinda cool!
Would anybody be seriously interested in this? I'm currently writing code for a printshop that does fine-art reproductions of various size on paper, canvas, and stretched canvas.
We're somewhat under our print capacity and I could easily justify the time building an API on next to our shopping cart and fulfillment backend if anybody has genuine demand for on-demand high quality prints and reproductions.
Shoot me a message: collintmiller@gmail.com if you'd use the api.