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Super Mario Bros Coin Sound (1985) (365blanc.blogspot.com)
83 points by nvr219 on March 17, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

A rather well-known video of a guitarist mimicking the coin sounds with harmonics:


While it's certainly one of the most recognizable pieces in the series (mind you it's only recognizable because it became ubiquitous later), can just 2 notes even be copywrighted? I mean we're not talking about a Brian Eno piece here.

hmm. am i missing something or is it just plain wrong? isn't the sound really B E - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKCQqvpOa1Q ?

Chords: G/D G6 (with jumpy voice leading), can be approximated nicely on the 12th fret harmonics of the guitar.

that's what it says on the sheet...

The "white noise" sfx doesn't sound correct to me.

This does: http://soundfxcenter.com/download-sound/super-mario-bros-coi...

"White noise" is just the title/label of the blog post. No doubt chosen for poetic purposes. Note the OTHER blog entry titles, listed on the right hand column.

"White noise" is not just the title of the post, it is also a link to a page where you can play an audio snippet of the coin noise.


Admittedly it's light gray link on a white background...but if you click on "white noise" it will take you to the sound!

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