It's interesting to see how different people's opinions can be. Feedly, for me, was a headache wrapped in CSS. The whole thing actually made me ridiculously angry (yes, really, and I'm normally a veeery calm guy)... so for me the search continues. I'm glad it's not quite as difficult for other people to find a suitable replacement. :)
I've tried both feedly and news blur at this point and don't see myself using either going forward. While both can count me as a user right now feedly doesn't provide a method to delete your profile without emailing them and I haven't bothered to see if newsblur does. I doubt their active user count will be nearly as large.
Glad you like it. I started working on it about four years ago. It's been online for about a year.
I am working on opml import and making it easier / more intuitive to add feeds.
I have had trouble with the signup form for the last few days which was the worst time for it to fail. I thought I had the bug fixed yesterday but I will double check.
Thanks for the feedback. It's a work in progress but I am going to keep improving it.
If you have anymore suggestions I am open to all feedback.
yeah and nope, was not my first but my third try.
i am somehow not able to login with two different browsers (opera mobile and chrome) to log in. only firefox worked.
my new account there is "toki1". but i havent been able to add feeds somehow. the input box does not to react when i click submit.
feel free to use me as test user. contact me via the mail i gave with my account data. i am rather busy today, but from tomorrow on i will have more time.... :)