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Was very excited to try Newsblur.

It's not free, for those wondering, and free accounts are temporarily suspended.

Oh well. Time to move on.

Free accounts are only sort-of suspended. Once you’re registered, you can get back in without going straight to the payment page.

See https://getsatisfaction.com/newsblur/topics/free_accountis_n..., for example.

It is free---it's OSS. But you can pay him to host your feeds for you.

What's wrong with paying for a service that you find useful?

I don't have any method of paying online, well, there is, but it takes too much of effort doing the paperwork in bank that it's not even worth it. I don't live in first world country.

Install a LAMP/WAMP thing (+ python) and run NewsBlur locally. You could even make a local edition where people can pay you in person.

Nothing, but currently there's no way to try it before buying, which is a problem.

Newsblur is fully open source.

You can host it yourself if you do not want to pay for it.

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