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Not many stories actually make me laugh-out-loud, this one was an exception. I think it was the picture of his four daughters smiling in the picture that took me over the top!

I thought I was doing good with creating a square-foot-garden with my kids (http://www.toddalewis.com/square-foot-gardening.aspx)... hard to compete with an "indoor" swimming pool.

Absolutely. My projects tend to be pretty dumb and over the top...but this rates right up there.

I actually worked building pools during one summer[1], so I would have went a more traditional poured concrete route. I probably would have also had a plan to fill the pool in and cap it with concrete if I planned on selling the house.

Kudos on the indoor garden - I was just thinking of building one, but spring is near.

[1] Caveat - I worked almost every variety of job during high school in a small town...so the 'experience' factor is minimal. Mechanic several times/several farm jobs/baker/librarian/general contractor/factory/etc

You can't fill in the pool, unless you want a few foot difference from road height to the height of the garage.

There was no digging involved when putting in the pool, he just put it down on top of the old garage floor.

Why fill in the pool? Just turn it into a sub-garage room and market it to the buyer as a wine cellar or a "food riot panic room" :)

But your project is a lot more practical... I sent the link to my wife, and we decided to do something similar with our children next spring, who will be 1 and 3 years old by then. Please do post more info/links/advice/lessons learned!

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