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I'm a huge fan of CBT. Recent studies have shown that if a person is dedicated to CBT it can actually have the same positive effects on the brain as medication, without the negative effects of medication.

It is important to note, however, that the person must commit.

and its also important to note that just because it worked for your buddy doesn't mean its going to work for you. it also means that just because it worked one time doesn't mean its going to work the next time. the best thing to do is to be monitored by a doctor so you can get the medical help right away if you need it.

If you are working with any competent professional they should be able to identify when you will need medical help right away.

There is a huge movement in north america to through drugs at everything. In Europe they take an entirely different approach on a lot of front and are seeing more success than us in those areas (ADD immediately comes to mind)

I'm not against medication, but I am against rushing to medication. I'd much rather someone try various forms of therapy first. CBT is just one of them, and happens to be working at a rate equal to or greater than prescription medication.

Edit: I wanted to thank you for the reply. Discussion surrounding the topic is critical to progression.

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