Skipping over the pathetic passive aggressive tone, this isn't about some repressed part of society, this is simply a employer/employee relationship.
There's nothing wrong with an employer doing this to protect the organziation. This is exactly what is happening, it's an investigastion into misconduct, not some big civil liberties case.
When you send email using you work account you should not expect that email to have the same privacy as your own email might.
I am perfectly capable of understanding, and the university are in the right, they have every right to investigate what happened.
Skipping over the pathetic whinging about tone, this is not simply an employer/employee relationship.
The President and Fellows were charged in 1650 with "the advancement of all good literature, arts, and sciences". That can be boiled down to: veritas. There is nothing to support selfish deans avoiding public scrutiny of their poor decisions.
There's nothing wrong with an employer doing this to protect the organziation. This is exactly what is happening, it's an investigastion into misconduct, not some big civil liberties case.
When you send email using you work account you should not expect that email to have the same privacy as your own email might.
I am perfectly capable of understanding, and the university are in the right, they have every right to investigate what happened.