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Moreover, its a ridiculous comparison even if you leave aside the "More Profits Are Evil" hidden agenda.

Gamestop is retail. They need higher margins to pay for retail rents. Dawdle is online. It should be cheaper. This is called positioning. It doesnt make one side better or worse ethically, and to shine Gamestop in that light is absurd.

I could find the same item in Boutique stores, on Amazon, or at target for many things -- but I would expect different prices at these stores based on my level of convenience, their operating model, etc.

Moreover, to say that any second-hand market is 'bad' for the new-item market is a big who cares to me. Its not my problem as a consumer that the economics of the retail game trade make more sense for me than they do for game publishers -- its their problem to adapt around it.

I'm not trying to sound rude, but this whole article is written like a kid having a tantrum. The fact that Dawdle is more economical should be enough of a point, they dont need to get into how 'bad' gamestop is for the world. Not only does it confuse the issue about addressing superior model (according to them), it also leads the reader to discount the whole article becuase of inane bias.

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