When the stock market plunges more than a few percentage points during a single day, every publication on the planet calls it a crash. During the last "flash crash" the market recovered within minutes; it was still a crash, covered internationally and garnering its own Wikipedia page. The bitcoin market losing 33% of its value in an hour is a crash.
Call me naive and oldschool, but this is my biggest issue with bitcoin - essentially all of the coverage comes from people/groups of people with (what are now) large investments / conflicts of interest in bitcoin, so any negative (or objective) coverage is glossed over.
There don't seem to be (m)any experts looking at bitcoin either (maybe I just haven't looked) and so broader problems with the whole system aren't being raised or addressed, all of the writing and analysis that is out there seems amateurish. It's no surprise to me that aside from some minor trolling, there's no-one writing about the crash.