I'm just saying. Plus, I still don't understand why people care about light bulbs saving energy. The majority of electricity consumed in a houses and apartments comes from the AC unit, refrigerators, heaters, TVs, and computers.
Implying that this light bulb will save you money would imply that you're terrible at keeping your lights off, and thus you should save money by continuing to exercise bad habits that cost you money.
The way I see it is, the problem with energy consumption in households usually stems from the consumer' habits, and not so much from the equipment used. People are terrible at turning the lights off. Just like my roommates. If I don't turn the lights off, no one else does.
bingo! You've hit the nail on the head on all fronts. But light blubs and the act of turning on and off lights are very tangible to the average person, compared to thermostat programming. Awareness itself is a big step, sadly.
Disclosure: I work for an energy efficiency company and basically telling people to do turn off / lower the settings is our business: opower.com.