One major source of ambiguities in the ILL graph is conceptual drift
across language editions. Conceptual drift stems from the well-known
finding in cognitive science that the boundaries of concepts vary
across language-defined communities [13]. For instance, the English
articles “High school” and “Secondary school” are grouped into a
single connected concept. While placing these two articles in the
same multilingual article may be reasonable given their overlapping
definitions around the world, excessive conceptual drift can result
in a semantic equivalent of what happens in the children’s game
known as “telephone”. For instance, chains of conceptual drift
expand the aforementioned connected concept to include the English
articles “Primary school”, “Etiquette”, “Manners”, and even
“Protocol (diplomacy)”. Omnipedia users would be confused to see
“Kyoto Protocol” as a linked topic when they looked up “High
school”. A similar situation occurs in the large connected concept
that spans the semantic range from “River” to “Canal” to “Trench
warfare”, and in another which contains “Woman” and “Marriage”
(although, interestingly, not “Man”).
from Omnipedia http://brenthecht.com/papers/bhecht_CHI2012_omnipedia.pdf [pdf]:
""" One major source of ambiguities in the ILL graph is conceptual drift across language editions. Conceptual drift stems from the well-known finding in cognitive science that the boundaries of concepts vary across language-defined communities [13]. For instance, the English articles “High school” and “Secondary school” are grouped into a single connected concept. While placing these two articles in the same multilingual article may be reasonable given their overlapping definitions around the world, excessive conceptual drift can result in a semantic equivalent of what happens in the children’s game known as “telephone”. For instance, chains of conceptual drift expand the aforementioned connected concept to include the English articles “Primary school”, “Etiquette”, “Manners”, and even “Protocol (diplomacy)”. Omnipedia users would be confused to see “Kyoto Protocol” as a linked topic when they looked up “High school”. A similar situation occurs in the large connected concept that spans the semantic range from “River” to “Canal” to “Trench warfare”, and in another which contains “Woman” and “Marriage” (although, interestingly, not “Man”). """