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Well, it worked. Despite the fact that his argument has no merit and even less relevance (a license debate, in 2009?), here we are: talking about Eric S. Raymond, someone who hasn't committed a line of code to any public repository in ages.

This line of argument has been part of Raymond's strategy for years. When last we saw it, he was arguing that vendors should be allowed to embed binary blobs into the running Linux kernel, because it didn't really matter if we could read driver code --- Linux just needed good device support, so people would accept it.

We get it, Raymond. Nobody's paying attention to you. Here, we'll all fix that now. Feel better?

> someone who hasn't committed a line of code to any public repository in ages.

well, to be fair, he throws code into gpsd at times. not that gpsd is a great codebase.

So, in face of irrelevance, ESR has to make controversial statements like this to retain some eyeballs.

That's sad.

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