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I have just one question: where to sign against the SHIELD?

If you are judging on something you are to consider both options. And it is not about software/hardware producers and p-trolls. The law is to protect authors. In some way the law is to embrace innovation and progress (despite it is not the main value).

Producers want do use the law to create monopoly. To eliminate minor innovators and use they innovations for free. What about scientists? What about research groups? Does they innovations "practical"? Mostly not, but still these people might understand the direction of technology and take actions that are two steps ahead of producers. Our society is called "postindustrial" not because the great development of IT but of lack of development "industrial" things. Progress became extensive and not moving forward. Science became servant of production, faith by itself. Science loosing criticism -- the approach that leads to better models of the world.

Author of innovation is nobody, a pawn in the hands of mighty producers, and we, the consumers is to worship great producers, ought to sacrifice all this minor and unworthy author. Who even dares to remember the authors?

Also, consider rights of "real" innovation authors -- in-company engineers. Are they any protected? Do they really have author right's at some moment? They are the authors! Many of them are quite unique in special areas. Did they have a voice?

SHIELD act protect producers to create monopolies. It is uncertain that the act will decrease possibilities of pure trolls. The origin of author's rights is not about the areas where it is applied now, current approach is outdated. But even complete rejection of author's rights is better than the SHIELD law.

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