1.8 Gpixel sensors don't exist, due to physics. It's combining 368 sensors.
No one stores or transmits uncompressed video outside of RAM. 15Mbps is decent for 1080p24, so 1.8 Gpixel 24fps would be decent at 15Gbps. Assuming say 14 hours of daylight (drones can't stay up indefinitely and night vision has different requirements), that's no more than ~100 TB per mission or day. As for getting the data out, I'd assume they swap an array of 50 HDs or so.
The announcer in the video claims "a million terabytes of video a day" at 2:45. That sounds like science fiction and has to be off by several orders of magnitude.
Well, I guess the sensor could theoretically be made using the entirety of a wafer. But it would be useless since the lens needed for such a large sensor would be more than the size and weight of a large ground telescope.
No one stores or transmits uncompressed video outside of RAM. 15Mbps is decent for 1080p24, so 1.8 Gpixel 24fps would be decent at 15Gbps. Assuming say 14 hours of daylight (drones can't stay up indefinitely and night vision has different requirements), that's no more than ~100 TB per mission or day. As for getting the data out, I'd assume they swap an array of 50 HDs or so.