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Everything is a "highly specialized domain"

So when I'm getting a house built, talking to friends is no use and forbidden, I should only talk to a builder?

If a house falls down I could be killed, that's way worse than being sued.

Sounds like nonsense, but why? Every day we do things that put our lives in non specialist hands but it's a legal issue suddenly "only ever talk to lawyers."

Yes advice must be taken lightly, especially on the internet. Experts have a time and a place. But living in fear can be worse.

I personally would prefer free internet advice than selling out and becoming part of the problem. That to me is a fate worse than being sued.

Others however might prefer a mix, they also might have more on the line than me. That's all good.

But don't let the fear take over and make you irrational. The worst thing with the patent wars is not the suing it's the fear it's creating.

Completely agree. Who started this never talk about legal matters trend? I think it was lawyers. You always have to take things with a grain of salt, just like when you go on WebMD because of a sinus headache and you learn you likely have a brain tumor.

I think that what the other guy was arguing against was your buddy saying "Oh, I'm sure it's just a sinus infection" when you actually have a brain tumor. People tend to be optimistic when it's not their asses on the line. While I wouldn't say advice from others is worthless, it can do more harm than good in specific scenarios.

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