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Tips for Avoiding Entrepreneurial Burnout (centernetworks.com)
15 points by peter123 on March 21, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Just to add some more tips... I wrote an article in December at SitePoint about tips for staying sane while working from home... there is likely a lot of overlap, as I know instituting a lot of the ideas presented in that article have also helped to keep me from burning out at whatever I happen to be working on.

The most relevant tips were:

-Clearly define your work space. Making sure your work and personal life stay separate and don't start to blur is a good way to avoid burn out. If your work life spills over into your non-work life too much you'll start to feel like you're at work 24/7 ... that's a one way ticket to burn out city.

-Have lunch with a friend / join a local user group. Or, in short: have a personal life. All work and no play, yadda yadda yadda. You need to make sure you aren't _just_ working.

-Take regular breaks / schedule time off. Again, take some time to actively NOT work and you'll be less likely to burn out on whatever work you're doing.

-Get a cat (or a dog). Seriously, my cat provides hours of entertainment and (surprisingly for a cat) plenty of affection. That's very helpful for keeping me sane and ultimately keeping me happy and focused on my work.

Full article for anyone interested is here: http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2008/12/19/12-ways-to-keep-sa...

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