If I hire someone to build a house they don't get insulted when I offer them 10% of future rental yields. How can it be insulting to offer a percentage which wasn't even in the initial agreement?
Maybe you're thinking about it in the wrong way. If you were to commission somebody to create a painting, you wouldn't paint over his or her name, scribble your own over it, and try to take credit for the work, would you? Even if you bought an unsigned piece of artwork for investment, you wouldn't go around telling people you created it, would you?
Sometimes it all boils down to something as simple as respect or attribution. If this desktop app is the next big thing, the coder probably just wants to at the very least make sure that he gets some kind of acknowledgment for his work. For some, acknowledgment can be as simple as ensuring nobody rips off their code and reverse-engineers it, and stamps a different name on it. For others, it is about monetary compensation.
I don't know what this dude's deal is, but of all the factors in your little moneymaking scheme, having the ability to write working code is probably the most valuable. 10 percent doesn't seem like a very equitable exchange.
I appreciate that coding software is an iterative process.
But this software was planned out very clearly, there were some minor changes, but nothing big.
Im not sure why 10 percent doesn't seem like a good deal for him, he quoted me 2500 dollars, which is all he should get. Out of desperation and a desire to get the project moving and actually get some results, I offered him 10 percent when it was several months late.
Your biggest problem is that having offered him a stake in the project, you've created a situation in which he now has a reasonable right to control over the way the source code is deployed. I'd assume your programmer set up server authentication to get visibility into the number of sales. If I was working in return for a percentage of sales I would expect a way to independently verify sales figures as well.
That is really going to limit your flexibility down the road, so it is probably easier to just develop from scratch. Perhaps you should let him know you're disappointed with how things have worked out and are thinking about getting something simpler developed by someone else. Be honest and don't come across as personally critical and the discussion may push him to finish things, or break him of the mindset that you are trying to take advantage of him.
I outsource design work on a per-project basis, by the way, and like to ask people to let me know how long they take completing the work, especially since most of the time it involves iterating a couple of times. This approach lets me figure out what their hourly take-home is when all is said and done. If it ends up being too low, I like to increase it a bit more to build good relationships. Having reliable go-to people who can take care of problems on short-notice at a low cost is a lot more valuable than losing $20 here and there over individual projects.
This approach lets me figure out what their hourly take-home is when all is said and done.
What, precisely, is your "job title"?
Very very few can truly afford to "outsource" design. When you start adding metrics, time worked, etc. it's hubris. Your post started off OK but ended up badly.
When you use the words "take-home" in the same sentence as the word "hourly", you're violating some serious syntax.
Maybe you're thinking about it in the wrong way. If you were to commission somebody to create a painting, you wouldn't paint over his or her name, scribble your own over it, and try to take credit for the work, would you? Even if you bought an unsigned piece of artwork for investment, you wouldn't go around telling people you created it, would you?
Sometimes it all boils down to something as simple as respect or attribution. If this desktop app is the next big thing, the coder probably just wants to at the very least make sure that he gets some kind of acknowledgment for his work. For some, acknowledgment can be as simple as ensuring nobody rips off their code and reverse-engineers it, and stamps a different name on it. For others, it is about monetary compensation.
I don't know what this dude's deal is, but of all the factors in your little moneymaking scheme, having the ability to write working code is probably the most valuable. 10 percent doesn't seem like a very equitable exchange.