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47 points by motter on Feb 20, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I haven't managed to put an RSS feed up yet (sorry), but you should always be able find the latest issue at this link:


Also, for Londoners, there has been some interest in starting a local user group:


I'm not sure what is happening with this right now, but it would be worth keeping an eye out.

> Also, for Londoners, there has been some interest in starting a local user group

There's one in NYC, and I've been disappointed that it seems to be hibernating (only one meetup since Halloween)[0].

Hopefully some other NYC-area gophers might see this and be interested in getting it going again....

[0] http://www.meetup.com/golangny/#past


Fixed, thanks for letting me know.

Edit: parent comment was deleted; I'll look to update the template when I'm at a desk to make it easier to read.

I'm seriously finding it hard to read the text on that page. I've made peace (to a certain extent) with the low-contrast trend sweeping the web but this page takes it to new extremes.

I've increased the contrast in the hope that it will be easier to read.

While probably not being something that interesting for most of the HN userbase, personally I find this an useful resource.

So.. thank you.

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