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> My only wish now would be to include a full keyboard (with pgup, pgdown, home, del in their own row)

Curious, why do you prefer them in their own row? I look explicitly for keyboards with them overlaid onto the arrow keys, so I don't need to move my hands (just use the fn key) to navigate text.

I do a lot of navigation and reading via keyboard, and being able to drift my right hand over and press pgup, pgdown, home, end to navigate documents is much more convenient than trying to contort my already-achy left pinky to find the fn key (and maybe miss it for ctrl or super), or worse, having to move my left hand away from home to press fn with my index finger.

In general I think a lot of programmers including myself map their keyboards in unique and complicated ways. There's no reason to have fewer keys when you can have more, especially considering how others like the Lenovo Yoga have managed to fit more keys in the same space and still maintain the island layout.

I frequently use modified versions of those keys, such as ctrl-home/ctrl-end to go to the beginning/end of the document or text area, or ctrl-shift-home/ctrl-shift-end to select to the beginning/end. That's already two or three modifier keys; I don't want to make that three or four.

Not having to push a modifier (fn) is the big winner for me, plus having slightly bigger buttons for things like the arrows.

almost all apps: apple trackpad scrolling, with awesome speed sensitivity (even a less pager inside a terminal in a linux VM.)

that one app (nano - don't judge me, I use GUI editors for programming): has its own shortcuts (Ctrl+V for pgdown and Ctrl+Y for pgup.)

On the other hand, don't get me started on OS X home/end keys...

I too do prefer them layered over the arrow keys. But, hey, I'm an Emacs junkie, so, I love modifier keys :D

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