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A gallery of interesting IPython Notebooks (github.com/ipython)
161 points by houshuang on Feb 17, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

IPython Notebook is an amazing tool. I used it a lot while presenting examples during my GSoC project. It was easy to clearly present the features I was adding to the library as the project progressed. I also used it regularly as an REPL, though I would prefer lot more keyboard shortcuts be made available.

Some examples: http://rhoforsympy.wordpress.com/2012/07/16/week-8-trace-imp...

If you're an Emacs user, you may want to give Emacs IPython Notebook [1] a try. I suspect that it would solve the keyboard shortcuts issue.

[1] http://tkf.github.com/emacs-ipython-notebook/

Note that we also intend to at least expose Emacs/vim keybindings for the text area as soon as possible. It's not hard as codemirror has most of the bits we need, we just haven't had the time for it.

I really like Henrik Brink's "advanced IPython notebook" Ipython notebook:


Some quick demos of R, Octave, etc. integration. And parallelization.

And associated broadcast of that lecture: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg35Paxy-Gw

This smells like lots of hours wasted in the near future; I always wanted to get my feet wet with statistics, probabilities, etc. and it seems there's some nice content here.

>This smells like lots of hours wasted in the near future;

I'm not sure "wasted" is the right term.

Wow, I had no idea about IPython Notebooks. Gonna have to proselytize to my friends using MATLAB, Stata, R, etc.

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