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LL vs. LR vs. GLR (panopticoncentral.net)
30 points by zzkt on March 19, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

A great example of the power of simple explanations. I wish more of math and CS were taught this way. Right now those areas are overflowing with complex-sounding simple ideas.

The what can be conceptually simple, but the how is not. The justifications for how we know that you can generate a parser for any LR grammar, and what exactly that parser will act like, is more involved.

My anecdotal evidence tells me otherwise. At least in math. The professors presented the material as simple as possible, but not simpler.

Wow. I've written LL (handwritten recursive descent) and LR, and worked with GLR generators, and apparently I didn't really understand why any of them worked that way. This guy is amazing.

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