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WorkSimple is Shutting Down
2 points by Roedou on Feb 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite
I received this email from them on Monday; it's definitely a shame. Their website said they have 4000+ customers, and Crunchbase listed a $250 Series A in December.

Good luck to the WorkSimple team for the future.


After exhausting all options, we are forced to close WorkSimple. We're devastated to have to shut down the service, but unfortunately due to capital constraints, we have no choice.

It has been an incredible journey and we're heartbroken not to be able to continue on. We've created the Social Performance space with you and demonstrated that there is significant demand for this type of service, but not yet enough demand to support what the company needs.

We have an incredible community of customers and partners across the globe who have helped shift how we work together. We believe this will continue in the marketplace.

What about the app?

We'll keep the platform running through February after which we will have to shut it down; however, we recommend you begin taking data off the application as soon as possible.

The simplest way to get goal data is via exports in the reporting section of the application. If you are a paying customer and need exports beyond what reporting provides, please email help.


We're grateful you chose WorkSimple, and we're very sorry to have let you down.


The WorkSimple Team

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