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> Interestingly, Valve's hiring policy is that you should aim to hire someone who is better than you. But what if you hire someone who is better than you, then Valve has a round of redundancies and you're the one who gets the axe?

Given what we know about human nature, it probably doesn't work this way. The person who ostensibly worked to hire people better than themselves probably mutters "well, the manual doesn't say anything about firings" and swings the axe, being careful not to cut themselves.

Yeah Valve's company policies are kind of like Santa Claus I really want to believe in them but find it hard.

The whole hiring someone better than yourself idea is great and sounds great. However has been pointed out it may not be the best policy for people especially now that Valve has shown a chink in their armor.

Hiring everyone better than yourself is great for you if you have a nice chunk of equity in the company but when you're just an employee the benefits are much smaller.

Bar raising "policy" like that is a morale gimmick, not reality.

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