She's incredibly mousey, and her personality is so over the top quirky, a detailed biographical account would come across like she's a fictional character written by a clumsy simpleton who is trying to write a serious novel but can't get his mind away from the scripts he's written for after-school animated cartoons. Like, people would read it and say shit like, "I can't suspend disbelief for that. Maybe don't try so hard? Like, don't make her a germophobe like Monk with the agoraphobic/Fluttershy thing and on top of all that, and then the whole 'Flowers!' thing like she's the baby skunk from Bambi. And then you even add the Anime girl trope with shoving stuff piled to the top into her closet. Who's going to believe all that at once?" (Actually there's even more stuff I'm leaving out.)
Except she's actually un-self-consciously like that and just thinks of herself as "a normal girl." I doubt you'd actually be able to imagine what that's like, except that it's a little bit like living with an Italian Greyhound, but a lot more complicated, and sometimes she talks even less. I'll never meet anyone like that again, and I'm kinda sad and glad at the same time.
She probably thinks the same about me. (My quirks are completely different, though.)