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Would a reading a scientific study give me more insight into how to better painter, programmer, car driver, hockey player, or parent than actually doing these things? Reading about anything bestows more insight than collecting anecdotes (experience) in it?


Doing something is completely different than knowing about something. Parenting is likely the best way for a person to learn how to parent (though supplementing reading, mentoring, and so on will likely be even better), but reading a scientific study is going to give you a more accurate concept of the mental and emotional capabilities of children in general than your experiences parenting a single child (or several).

As the saying goes, the plural of anecdote is not data.

The saying is irrelevant, whether it's wrong or not. I shouldn't have even added it, lest I give you another way to deflect.

Isn't it correct to say "the plural of invertebrate is not lobsters"?

Similarly, the plural of anecdote can be many things, including data, but it is still correct to say "the plural of anecdote is not data."

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