There might be better performing hosting providers, and there are definitely lower cost providers than Linode, but I don't love them like I love Linode.
It's not entirely rational, but if you ask around, I'd wager most people who use Linode love it.
Maybe it's because it used to be just caker doing everything, or the free disk / memory upgrades he kept handing out. I remember him asking about LASIK surgery in the (very helpful) forums; there's a family feeling to it. It's the anti-Rackspace. It's home.
So true. I moved a mail server I manage over to digital ocean recently because it needed more RAM and the price difference between a 4GB DO instance and a 4GB Linode one was just too much to swallow.
Very happy with DO so far but... I still have 7 1GB and 512MB vms with Linode and no plans to move any of them because I just can't bring myself to sever all ties with Linode :D
It's not entirely rational, but if you ask around, I'd wager most people who use Linode love it.
Maybe it's because it used to be just caker doing everything, or the free disk / memory upgrades he kept handing out. I remember him asking about LASIK surgery in the (very helpful) forums; there's a family feeling to it. It's the anti-Rackspace. It's home.