Depeds how you define quality. Quality as in for developers? Sure windows is not preferred. Quality as in "Lets me do my things the easiest way when I want to browse internet, watch movies and most importantly, have a GUI that even my grandma can use". Windows wins hands down.
After I got my retina macbook, I disabled the 3G on my Cr-48 running Ubuntu (with Unity) and let my 10 yo daughter use it. At one point, all kids got all their screens confiscated, and it sat in my dresser for a few weeks. A week or so later, she started using my old white 2008 MacBook. It's got an Intel SSD and 4GB RAM: far superior to the Cr-48, minus the 3G radio.
While re-arranging the garage, I found some USB speakers and ran across the Cr-48, and set it up for some music in the garage. My daughter immediately wanted it back. She prefers Ubuntu with Unity to OS X and prefers the Cr-48 even though she agrees it isn't as snappy as the MacBook.
The FUD surrounding Microsoft Windows is misplaced. Microsoft Windows is a quality product. It is the desktop computer with the Apple OS at far distance. I can understand Win3.1 and Wind95 were frustrating. I regularly saw the blue screen of death because screwed it up with several game installs. I never had an issue with WinXP or Win7. It looked decent, the apps worked. For XP, I have seen others that go several viruses. They were regularly on suspect porn sites. They never received the security updates. They never setup a username password and they installed any application they could click on. Is it really Microsoft's fault that some dumb users ruin their experience because they trust any website they visit? Plus, that was mostly Win95, maybe WinXP and never Win7.
McDonald's isn't a quality product even though it is mass produced and a lot of people like it. Why isn't quality? Because analysts have questioned the quality of the meat in their products. Is meat? People who overeat the food might develop illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. That is a low quality product.
Microsoft Windows is a quality OS. A lot of people like it. A minority don't like. They have the top leaders of UI design and OS engineering working on the product.
If Windows is not a quality product? Then how do you define quality?