Anything particularly esoteric in your vimrc?
Couple I find invaluable:-
" Yank block visual selection to space separated line
vnoremap <Leader>y "+y:let @+ = join(map(split(@+, '\n'), 'substitute(v:val, "^\\s\\+", "", "")'), " ")<CR>
" Yank block visual selection to comma separated line
vnoremap <Leader>Y "+y:let @+ = join(map(split(@+, '\n'), 'substitute(v:val, "^\\s\\+\\\|\\s\\+$", "", "g")'), ",")<CR>
Just last week I put this to have modified buffers in my statusline:
I also have something I'm calling Streamline, which allows you to navigate relative lines while seeing absolute lines.Also just yesterday I hacked something which allows me to block hjkl for more than one consecutive press, while binding their double presses to some other action. So pressing j once gets me down one line, pressing a second consecutive time activates Streamline which then, without a count, takes me to lines multiple of ten, so it's my way of scrolling when I don't know the outlook of the file (given a count of 4 while on line 37, Streamline would take you to line 44). This is still not on my online vimrc, but the rest is at