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I am basing my startup mostly on this discussion / meme - so I am happy to see it on HN. However the stage I think has been missed by the article (in the rush to say 2120!) is a transition away from commuting and into massive remote working, probably in the next ten years. The costs of commuting and office space is enormous compared to it's benefits for most jobs so we shall see a sea change in how jobs are measured and managed, leading to the path to remote working being freed up.

Oddly in software continuous integration / delivery is that sea change. In marketing? It's AB testing. In everything else? We shall see.

Can you direct us to your startup's website, or provide a brief description of it here?

Brief idea: Continuous Integration is a step function in how software teams can function. By enabling CI or CD one can remove the major impediment to remote working - managers cannot see what you have done in a day.

If folks remote work in the software department, pretty soon others want to. The company needs to have the same confidence that people are working and things progressing daily. So let's say marketing moves to the technicalmarketing beloved of patio11 - you can have Market department run tests on it's changes, measure customer behaviour etc. And they don't need to do it in the office.

Apply the same to every business process. Business people need to interact so we are not going to abandon cities - but the most valuable interactions are inter-company not intra-company.

So from little acorns of CI we can see the world of the Race against the Machine coming to pass - White collar workers automated or their jobs changed out of recognition.

So my startup, yeah that. I see my one person consultancy not as a lifestyle business but as a forever company - where I and I hope others will work, but more importantly experience many new modes of future work - and teach others and produce products that fill niches we ourselves need or are very well placed to understand.

To be brutal, I want to turn a one person consultancy into a dispersed products company, solving the big work ideas of the next twenty years.

First three are the CI consultancy, a data warehouse scm driver and videos of bug fixes.

Please don't judge the book by the website - www.mikadosoftware.com. Ps - I think the auto farm is fantastic - keep it up

I have never met any of my coworkers - they are in various parts of the States and I in Kent. The world has changed, it's just not evenly distributed - I want to be part of that change - the view is best right out on the edge.

Big long dreams.

Sounds like interesting ideas to test out in the context of a company... good luck to you!

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