I completely agree, and I guess I'm in the clear then... I religiously believed in fluid layouts way before responsive web design and whatnot where even concepts. It's just that I like the default "more tight" than what seems to be the preference of many, reading these posts - but if you're willing to zoom, I'm willing to make that as painless as possible :D
Because I have glasses the nearly thickness of coke bottle bottoms and no problems with small text, because I didn't wait decades for high-res displays that don't flicker just to throw the resolution away again, and mostly because I don't really look at individual letters as glance across them when reading a normal text with known words, so for me smaller fonts allow scanning larger chunks more quickly, and parsing words and phrases in chunks as well, while moving the eyes back and forth and scrolling a whole lot hinder me from simply absorbing the text. In short, because it's more efficient for me and there are bound to be people for whom it's the same. Because designing for my own actual eyes strikes me as honest or something.
I completely agree, and I guess I'm in the clear then... I religiously believed in fluid layouts way before responsive web design and whatnot where even concepts. It's just that I like the default "more tight" than what seems to be the preference of many, reading these posts - but if you're willing to zoom, I'm willing to make that as painless as possible :D