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> Make your fonts bigger!

Within a 600px vertical column with 150% line spacing. With gentle contrast. Please.

Or at least test your site on all the big article reformatters.

Horizontal, right? Or are you thinking of tablet scrolling?

600px? Are you using a 1024x768 monitor from 2000?

Depending on the font size, 600px gets you pretty close to the ideal of 50-75 characters per line: http://baymard.com/blog/line-length-readability

Nope. But I am reading it on a 1280x800 tablet in portrait mode. Or I have two side by side 0n a 2560x1440 monitor (effectively 1280 px wide each). Or even worse, two side by side on a laptop with 1920x1200 (960 px wide each). 600px makes all of the above scenarios doable with reasonable margins and other layout items like a navigation menu and ads.

> 600px? Are you using a 1024x768 monitor from 2000?

Why do you think they call it "newspaper column" and not "newspaper spread"? It's because the best way to read is in a narrow column (1/3 ... 1/2 the width of the screen). Otherwise the eyes need to move horizontally too much and risk losing position.

You are aware that we have multi-tasking operating systems today?

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