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Is there a website that will sell a single printable stamp online? I send maybe 2 letters a year, and would gladly pay something ridiculous like 500% markup when I can't find a stamp.

You can curl those with EasyPost! https://geteasypost.com/docs

Nice! Have you thought of putting "NO MONTHLY FEE" somewhere on the homepage? I missed that part, and pretty much just assumed it because of the other services.

I'm probably not going to figure out the api to print a stamp though. Is a non-api + non-signup version in the works? That's what I'd really want next time I need a stamp.

Oooh good call!

Yes, that's in the works.

But for now you can still use it! Just copy this curl command: https://geteasypost.com/docs#postage-buying Then, replace the To, From, Weight, etc with your own info, paste into iTerm or whatever you use. Once you get a piece back that's right (with that test API key), use your secret API key and buy it for real.

I'll even load your account with $5 to get started. Email me at j at easypost dot co (same to anyone else reading and interested) :)

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