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Why? It's a glacier. A "river of ice". They flow into the ocean. Calving is what they do ffs.

I'm not talking about the 4 minute YouTube clip. I'm talking about the feature film. Why be so angry and swear at me for being concerned at the damage humans are causing to their environment?

I'm sick of the drama. Once upon a time it would have been possible to just watch that video and marvel at the majesty of nature, now we can't have a single natural event these days without you and your cargo-cult mates attributing it to 'climate change'. Add it the list: http://www.numberwatch.co.uk/warmlist.htm

Because the regulations and subsidies that are meant to assuage your concern harm millions of real people (mostly those in poverty), along with the environment. This grasping for the moral high ground is repulsive.

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